"Empowerment Starts Here!"
We specialize in highlighting and enhancing individuals curves on their face and body. Every purchase helps our cancer & hair loss outreach programs.

The Client agrees to pay invoice(s) by the due date(s) specified. Unpaid or overdue invoices may result in suspension or termination of the contract.
Payment methods:
Payment will be made to the Business via exact cash, check, an approved payment card, or by any other payment method determined by the Business.
The Business promises that it holds all licenses necessary to perform the work, that such licenses are valid and effective as of the date any work is performed or services provided, and that all work performed or services provided will be done in compliance with all applicable federal, state, or local laws and regulations.
Termination of contract (for Membership plans):
The Contract ends on [contract end date] unless one of the parties ends the contract before that time. If one of the parties chooses to end the Contract prior to Project completion, the client will be responsible for paying the non-member price difference for any services received up until early cancelation date.
The Client and the Business must agree to any changes to this contract in writing.
No refunds on products or services. No refunds will be provided for the work completed, services performed under this contract and or for any forfeited monthly benefits for Membership plans.
Authority to sign:
Each party has the authority to enter into this Contract and to perform all of its obligations under this Contract.